Dual tessellations depicts the mathematical concept of tessellation – the regular tiling of polygons across a two dimensional plane. This quilt considers the more advanced concept of dual tessellations where one polygon type (an equilateral triangle) is the dual of another (a hexagon). (see figure). The major triangles are constructed from either three equal triangles or three kites that also form the structure of the hexagon, allowing the bridging between triangles and hexagons while still tiling the surface. The quilt design proceeds top to bottom beginning with triangles and morphing into hexagons. Different values of purple in the dual-colored taffetas further reinforce the duality of the design. Finally, the quilt was not squared off as is typically done to further emphasize the fundamental tiling units. For more information on tessellations, and dual tessellations in particular, see
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DualTessellation.html .
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